open import Categories.Category.Core
open import Categories.Functor using (Endofunctor; Functor)
open import Categories.Object.Initial using (Initial)
open import Categories.Category.Construction.F-Algebras
open import Categories.Functor.Algebra using (F-Algebra; F-Algebra-Morphism)
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian using (Cartesian)
open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts using (BinaryProducts)

import Categories.Morphism as M
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

module Functor.Coalgebra.Corecursion.Primitive {o  e} {C : Category o  e} (cartesian : Cartesian C) {F : Endofunctor C} (initial : Initial (F-Algebras F)) where
  open Category C
  open Cartesian cartesian
  open BinaryProducts products
  open Initial initial
  open F-Algebra  using () renaming (A to μF; α to inF)
    module F = Functor F
  open HomReasoning
  open Equiv
  open M C
  open MR C
  open F using (F₀; F₁)

  open import Functor.Algebra.Recursion initial

    ⦉_⦊ :  {X}  (F₀ (X × μF)  X)  (μF  X)
    ⦉_⦊ {X} φ = π₁    φ , inF  F₁ π₂  

    para-cancel :  {X} {φ : F₀ (X × μF)  X}   φ   inF  φ  F₁   φ  , id 
    para-cancel {X} {φ} = begin 
      (π₁    φ , inF  F₁ π₂  )  inF                  ≈⟨ pullʳ cata-cancel  
      π₁   φ , inF  F₁ π₂   F₁   φ , inF  F₁ π₂   ≈⟨ pullˡ project₁  
      φ  F₁   φ , inF  F₁ π₂                          ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F.F-resp-≈ g-η  
      φ  F₁   φ  , π₂    φ , inF  F₁ π₂          ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (F.F-resp-≈ (⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (cata-fusion project₂)))  
      φ  F₁   φ  ,  inF                              ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F.F-resp-≈ (⟨⟩-cong₂ refl cata-refl) 
      φ  F₁   φ  , id                                  

    para-unique :  {X} {φ : F₀ (X × μF)  X} {f : μF  X}  f  inF  φ  F₁  f , id    φ   f
    para-unique {X} {φ} {f} f-cancel = begin 
      π₁    φ , inF  F₁ π₂   ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ cata-unique helper  
      π₁   f , id               ≈⟨ project₁  
      helper :  f , id   inF   φ , inF  F₁ π₂   F₁  f , id 
      helper = begin 
         f , id   inF                    ≈⟨ ⟨⟩∘  ⟨⟩-cong₂ f-cancel identityˡ  
         φ  F₁  f , id  , inF          ≈˘⟨ ⟨⟩∘  ⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (cancelʳ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ project₂  F.identity))  
         φ , inF  F₁ π₂   F₁  f , id  

    para-refl :  inF  F₁ π₁   id
    para-refl = para-unique (id-comm-sym  sym (pullʳ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ project₁  F.identity)))

    para-fusion :  {X Y} {φ : F₀ (X × μF)  X} {ψ : F₀ (Y × μF)  Y} {f : X  Y}  f  φ  ψ  F₁ (f  id)   ψ   f   φ 
    para-fusion {X} {Y} {φ} {ψ} {f} eq = para-unique (begin 
      (f   φ )  inF                   ≈⟨ pullʳ para-cancel  
      f  φ  F₁   φ  , id            ≈⟨ extendʳ eq  
      ψ  F₁ (f  id)  F₁   φ  , id  ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ (⁂∘⟨⟩  ⟨⟩-cong₂ refl identity²))  
      ψ  F₁  f   φ  , id            )

    para-cata :  {X} (φ : F₀ X  X)   φ  F₁ π₁    φ 
    para-cata {X} φ = para-unique (begin 
       φ   inF                     ≈⟨ cata-cancel  
      φ  F₁  φ                     ≈˘⟨ pullʳ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ project₁)  
      (φ  F₁ π₁)  F₁   φ  , id  )

    para-any :  {X} (f : μF  X)   f  inF  F₁ π₂   f
    para-any {X} f = para-unique (begin 
      f  inF                           ≈˘⟨ pullʳ (cancelʳ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ project₂  F.identity))  
      (f  inF  F₁ π₂)  F₁  f , id  )

    -- Lambek's Lemma:

    outF : μF  F₀ μF
    outF =  F₁ π₂ 

    lambek : F₀ μF  μF
    lambek = record 
      { from = inF 
      ; to = outF 
      ; iso = record 
        { isoˡ = para-cancel  sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ project₂  F.identity 
        ; isoʳ = begin 
          inF  outF      ≈˘⟨ para-fusion (sym (pullʳ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ (project₂  identityˡ)))) 
           inF  F₁ π₂  ≈⟨ para-unique helper  
           inF  F₁ π₁  ≈⟨ para-refl  
      helper :  inF  F₁ π₁   inF  (inF  F₁ π₂)  F₁   inF  F₁ π₁  , id 
      helper = elimˡ para-refl  sym (cancelʳ (sym F.homomorphism  F.F-resp-≈ project₂  F.identity))