{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Category.Instance.Cats where

-- The (large) category of (small) categories.
-- Even though Agda can figure out the levels, it is worth making them explicit,
-- to see the large level jumps involved.

open import Level
open import Categories.Category using (Category)
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor; id; _∘F_)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism
  using (NaturalIsomorphism; associator; unitorˡ; unitorʳ; unitor²; isEquivalence; _ⓘₕ_; sym)
    o  e : Level
    C D E : Category o  e
    F G H I : Functor C D

Cats :  o  e  Category (suc (o     e)) (o    e) (o    e)
Cats o  e = record
  { Obj       = Category o  e
  ; _⇒_       = Functor
  ; _≈_       = NaturalIsomorphism
  ; id        = id
  ; _∘_       = _∘F_
  ; assoc     = λ {_ _ _ _ F G H}  associator F G H
  ; sym-assoc = λ {_ _ _ _ F G H}  sym (associator F G H)
  ; identityˡ = unitorˡ
  ; identityʳ = unitorʳ
  ; identity² = unitor²
  ; equiv     = isEquivalence
  ; ∘-resp-≈  = _ⓘₕ_