{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Define Strong Monad; use the Wikipedia definition
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_monad
-- At the nLab, https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/strong+monad
-- there are two further definitions; the 2-categorical version is too complicated
-- and the Moggi definition is a special case of the one here

module Categories.Monad.Strong  where

open import Level
open import Data.Product using (_,_)

open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal
open import Categories.Category.Product
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation hiding (id)
open import Categories.Monad

    o  e : Level

-- (left) strength on a monad

record Strength {C : Category o  e} (V : Monoidal C) (M : Monad C) : Set (o    e) where
  open Category C
  open Monoidal V
    module M = Monad M
  open M using (F)
  open NaturalTransformation M.η using (η)
  open NaturalTransformation M.μ renaming (η to μ)
  open Functor F
    strengthen : NaturalTransformation ( ∘F (idF  F)) (F ∘F )

  module strengthen = NaturalTransformation strengthen
    module t = strengthen

    -- strengthening with 1 is irrelevant
    identityˡ : {A : Obj}  F₁ (unitorˡ.from)  t.η (unit , A)  unitorˡ.from
    -- commutes with unit (of monad)
    η-comm : {A B : Obj}  t.η (A , B)  (id ⊗₁ η B)  η (A ⊗₀ B)
    -- strength commutes with multiplication
    μ-η-comm : {A B : Obj}  μ (A ⊗₀ B)  F₁ (t.η (A , B))  t.η (A , F₀ B)
       t.η (A , B)  (id ⊗₁ μ B)
    -- consecutive applications of strength commute (i.e. strength is associative)
    strength-assoc :  {A B C : Obj}  F₁ associator.from  t.η (A ⊗₀ B , C)
       t.η (A , B ⊗₀ C)  (id ⊗₁ t.η (B , C))  associator.from

record StrongMonad {C : Category o  e} (V : Monoidal C) : Set (o    e) where
    M        : Monad C
    strength : Strength V M

  module M = Monad M
  open Strength strength public

-- right strength

record RightStrength {C : Category o  e} (V : Monoidal C) (M : Monad C) : Set (o    e) where
  open Category C
  open Monoidal V
    module M = Monad M
  open M using (F)
  open NaturalTransformation M.η using (η)
  open NaturalTransformation M.μ renaming (η to μ)
  open Functor F
    strengthen : NaturalTransformation ( ∘F (F  idF)) (F ∘F )

  module strengthen = NaturalTransformation strengthen
    module u = strengthen

    -- strengthening with 1 is irrelevant
    identityˡ : {A : Obj}  F₁ (unitorʳ.from)  u.η (A , unit)  unitorʳ.from
    -- commutes with unit (of monad)
    η-comm : {A B : Obj}  u.η (A , B)  (η A ⊗₁ id)  η (A ⊗₀ B)
    -- strength commutes with multiplication
    μ-η-comm : {A B : Obj}  μ (A ⊗₀ B)  F₁ (u.η (A , B))  u.η (F₀ A , B)
       u.η (A , B)  (μ A ⊗₁ id)
    -- consecutive applications of strength commute (i.e. strength is associative)
    strength-assoc :  {A B C : Obj}  F₁ associator.to  u.η (A , B ⊗₀ C)
       u.η (A ⊗₀ B , C)  (u.η (A , B) ⊗₁ id)  associator.to

record RightStrongMonad {C : Category o  e} (V : Monoidal C) : Set (o    e) where
    M        : Monad C
    rightStrength : RightStrength V M

  module M = Monad M
  open RightStrength rightStrength public