{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category

  Helper routines most often used in reasoning with commutative squares,
  at the level of arrows in categories.

  Identity : reasoning about identity
  Assoc4   : associativity combinators for composites of 4 morphisms
  Pulls  : use a ∘ b ≈ c as left-to-right rewrite
  Pushes : use c ≈ a ∘ b as a left-to-right rewrite
  IntroElim : introduce/eliminate an equivalent-to-id arrow
  Extend : 'extends' a commutative square with an equality on left/right/both

  Convention - in this file, extra parentheses are used to clearly show
    associativity. This makes reading the source more pedagogical as to the
    intent of each routine.
module Categories.Morphism.Reasoning.Core {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

open import Level
open import Function renaming (id to idᶠ; _∘_ to _∙_)

open import Relation.Binary hiding (_⇒_)

open Category C
open Definitions C

    X Y : Obj
    a a′ a″ b b′ b″ c c′ c″ : X  Y
    f g h i : X  Y

open HomReasoning

module Identity where
  id-unique :  {o} {f : o  o}  (∀ g  g  f  g)  f  id
  id-unique g∘f≈g = Equiv.trans (Equiv.sym identityˡ) (g∘f≈g id)

  id-comm :  {a b} {f : a  b}  f  id  id  f
  id-comm = Equiv.trans identityʳ (Equiv.sym identityˡ)

  id-comm-sym :  {a b} {f : a  b}  id  f  f  id
  id-comm-sym = Equiv.trans identityˡ (Equiv.sym identityʳ)

open Identity public

module Assoc4 where
  assoc² : ((i  h)  g)  f  i  (h  (g  f))
  assoc² = Equiv.trans assoc assoc

  assoc²' : (i  (h  g))  f  i  (h  (g  f))
  assoc²' = Equiv.trans assoc (∘-resp-≈ʳ assoc)

  assoc²'' : i  ((h  g)  f)  (i  h)  (g  f)
  assoc²'' = Equiv.trans (∘-resp-≈ʳ assoc) sym-assoc

open Assoc4 public

-- Pulls use "a ∘ b ≈ c" as left-to-right rewrite
-- pull to the right / left of something existing
module Pulls (ab≡c : a  b  c) where

  pullʳ : (f  a)  b  f  c
  pullʳ {f = f} = begin
    (f  a)  b ≈⟨ assoc 
    f  (a  b) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ab≡c 
    f  c       

  pullˡ : a  (b  f)  c  f
  pullˡ {f = f} = begin
    a  b  f   ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
    (a  b)  f ≈⟨ ab≡c ⟩∘⟨refl 
    c  f       

open Pulls public

-- Pushes use "c ≈ a ∘ b" as a left-to-right rewrite
-- push to the right / left of something existing
module Pushes (c≡ab : c  a  b) where
  pushʳ : f  c  (f  a)  b
  pushʳ {f = f} = begin
    f  c       ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ c≡ab 
    f  (a  b) ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
    (f  a)  b 

  pushˡ : c  f  a  (b  f)
  pushˡ {f = f} = begin
    c  f       ≈⟨ c≡ab ⟩∘⟨refl 
    (a  b)  f ≈⟨ assoc 
    a  (b  f) 

open Pushes public

-- Introduce/Elimilate an equivalent-to-identity
-- on left, right or 'in the middle' of something existing
module IntroElim (a≡id : a  id) where
  elimʳ : f  a  f
  elimʳ {f = f} = begin
    f  a  ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ a≡id 
    f  id ≈⟨ identityʳ 

  introʳ : f  f  a
  introʳ = Equiv.sym elimʳ

  elimˡ : (a  f)  f
  elimˡ {f = f} = begin
    a  f  ≈⟨ a≡id ⟩∘⟨refl 
    id  f ≈⟨ identityˡ 

  introˡ : f  a  f
  introˡ = Equiv.sym elimˡ

  intro-center : f  g  f  (a  g)
  intro-center = ∘-resp-≈ʳ introˡ

  elim-center : f  (a  g)  f  g
  elim-center = ∘-resp-≈ʳ elimˡ

open IntroElim public

-- given h ∘ f ≈ i ∘ g
module Extends (s : CommutativeSquare f g h i) where
  -- rewrite (a ∘ h) ∘ f to (a ∘ i) ∘ g
  extendˡ : CommutativeSquare f g (a  h) (a  i)
  extendˡ {a = a} = begin
    (a  h)  f ≈⟨ pullʳ s 
    a  (i  g) ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
    (a  i)  g 

  -- rewrite h ∘ (f ∘ a) to i ∘ (g ∘ a)
  extendʳ : CommutativeSquare (f  a) (g  a) h i
  extendʳ {a = a} = begin
    h  (f  a) ≈⟨ pullˡ s 
    (i  g)  a ≈⟨ assoc 
    i  (g  a) 

  -- rewrite (a ∘ h) ∘ (f ∘ b) to (a ∘ i) ∘ (g ∘ b)
  extend² : CommutativeSquare (f  b) (g  b) (a  h) (a  i)
  extend² {b = b} {a = a } = begin
    (a  h)  (f  b) ≈⟨ pullʳ extendʳ 
    a  (i  (g  b)) ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
    (a  i)  (g  b) 

open Extends public

-- essentially composition in the arrow category
   A₁ -- c --> B₁
   |           |
   b′  comm    b
   |           |
   V           V
   A₂ -- c′ -> B₂
   |           |
   a′  comm    a
   |           |
   V           V
   A₃ -- c″ -> B₃

   then the whole diagram commutes
glue : CommutativeSquare c′ a′ a c″ 
       CommutativeSquare c b′ b c′ 
       CommutativeSquare c (a′  b′) (a  b) c″
glue {c′ = c′} {a′ = a′} {a = a} {c″ = c″} {c = c} {b′ = b′} {b = b} sq-a sq-b = begin
  (a  b)  c    ≈⟨ pullʳ sq-b 
  a  (c′  b′)  ≈⟨ extendʳ sq-a 
  c″  (a′  b′) 

-- A "rotated" version of glue′. Equivalent to 'Equiv.sym (glue (Equiv.sym sq-a) (Equiv.sym sq-b))'
glue′ : CommutativeSquare a′ c′ c″ a 
        CommutativeSquare b′ c c′ b 
        CommutativeSquare (a′  b′) c c″ (a  b)
glue′ {a′ = a′} {c′ = c′} {c″ = c″} {a = a} {b′ = b′} {c = c} {b = b} sq-a sq-b = begin
  c″  (a′  b′) ≈⟨ pullˡ sq-a 
  (a  c′)  b′  ≈⟨ extendˡ sq-b 
  (a  b)  c    

-- Various gluings of triangles onto sides of squares
glue◃◽ : a  c′  c″  CommutativeSquare c b′ b c′  CommutativeSquare c b′ (a  b) c″
glue◃◽ {a = a} {c′ = c′} {c″ = c″} {c = c} {b′ = b′} {b = b} tri-a sq-b = begin
  (a  b)  c   ≈⟨ pullʳ sq-b 
  a  (c′  b′) ≈⟨ pullˡ tri-a 
  c″  b′       

glue◃◽′ : c  c′  a′  CommutativeSquare a b a′ b′  CommutativeSquare (c′  a) b c b′
glue◃◽′ {c = c} {c′ = c′} {a′ = a′} {a = a} {b = b} {b′ = b′} tri sq = begin
  c  (c′  a) ≈⟨ pullˡ tri 
  a′  a       ≈⟨ sq 
  b′  b       

glue◽◃ : CommutativeSquare a b a′ b′  b  c  c′  CommutativeSquare (a  c) c′ a′ b′
glue◽◃ {a = a} {b = b} {a′ = a′} {b′ = b′} {c = c} {c′ = c′} sq tri = begin
  a′  a  c   ≈⟨ pullˡ sq 
  (b′  b)  c ≈⟨ pullʳ tri 
  b′  c′      

glue▹◽ : b  a″  c  CommutativeSquare a b a′ b′  CommutativeSquare (a  a″) c a′ b′
glue▹◽ {b = b} {a″ = a″} {c = c} {a = a} {a′ = a′} {b′ = b′} tri sq = begin
  a′  a  a″   ≈⟨ pullˡ sq 
  (b′  b)  a″ ≈⟨ pullʳ tri 
  b′  c        

-- essentially composition in the over category
glueTrianglesʳ : a  b  a′  a′  b′  a″  a  (b  b′)  a″
glueTrianglesʳ {a = a} {b = b} {a′ = a′} {b′ = b′} {a″ = a″} a∘b≡a′ a′∘b′≡a″ = begin
  a  (b  b′) ≈⟨ pullˡ a∘b≡a′ 
  a′  b′      ≈⟨ a′∘b′≡a″ 

-- essentially composition in the under category
glueTrianglesˡ : a′  b′  b″  a  b  b′  (a′  a)  b  b″
glueTrianglesˡ {a′ = a′} {b′ = b′} {b″ = b″} {a = a} {b = b} a′∘b′≡b″ a∘b≡b′ = begin
  (a′  a)  b ≈⟨ pullʳ a∘b≡b′ 
  a′  b′      ≈⟨ a′∘b′≡b″ 

-- Cancel (or insert) inverses on right/left/middle
module Cancellers (inv : h  i  id) where

  cancelʳ : (f  h)  i  f
  cancelʳ {f = f} = begin
    (f  h)  i ≈⟨ pullʳ inv 
    f  id      ≈⟨ identityʳ 

  insertʳ : f  (f  h)  i
  insertʳ =  cancelʳ

  cancelˡ : h  (i  f)  f
  cancelˡ {f = f} = begin
    h  (i  f) ≈⟨ pullˡ inv 
    id  f      ≈⟨ identityˡ 

  insertˡ : f  h  (i  f)
  insertˡ =  cancelˡ

  cancelInner : (f  h)  (i  g)  f  g
  cancelInner = pullˡ cancelʳ

  insertInner : f  g  (f  h)  (i  g)
  insertInner =  cancelInner
open Cancellers public

-- operate in the 'center' instead (like pull/push)
center : g  h  a  (f  g)  (h  i)  f  (a  i)
center eq = pullʳ (pullˡ eq)

-- operate on the left part, then the right part
center⁻¹ : f  g  a  h  i  b   f  ((g  h)  i)  a  b
center⁻¹ {f = f} {g = g} {a = a} {h = h} {i = i} {b = b} eq eq′ = begin
  f  (g  h)  i ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pullʳ eq′ 
  f  (g  b)     ≈⟨ pullˡ eq 
  a  b           

-- could be called pull₃ʳ
pull-last : h  i  a  (f  g  h)  i  f  g  a
pull-last eq = pullʳ (pullʳ eq)

pull-first : f  g  a  f  ((g  h)  i)  a  (h  i)
pull-first {f = f} {g = g} {a = a} {h = h} {i = i} eq = begin
  f  (g  h)  i ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ assoc 
  f  g  h  i   ≈⟨ pullˡ eq 
  a  h  i       

pull-center : g  h  a  f  (g  (h  i))  f  (a  i)
pull-center eq = ∘-resp-≈ʳ (pullˡ eq)

push-center : g  h  a  f  (a  i)  f  (g  (h  i))
push-center eq = Equiv.sym (pull-center eq)

intro-first : a  b  id  f  g  a  ((b  f)  g)
intro-first {a = a} {b = b} {f = f} {g = g} eq = begin
  f  g             ≈⟨ introˡ eq 
  (a  b)  (f  g) ≈⟨ pullʳ sym-assoc 
  a  ((b  f)  g) 

intro-last : a  b  id  f  g  f  (g  a)  b
intro-last {a = a} {b = b} {f = f} {g = g} eq = begin
  f  g           ≈⟨ introʳ eq 
  (f  g)  a  b ≈⟨ pullʳ sym-assoc 
  f  (g  a)  b