K is a Strong Monad

module Monad.Instance.K.Strong {o  e} (ambient : Ambient o  e) (MK : MIK.MonadK ambient) where
  open Ambient ambient
  open import Category.Construction.ElgotAlgebras cocartesian
  open import Algebra.Elgot cocartesian
  open import Algebra.Elgot.Free cocartesian using (FreeElgotAlgebra; elgotForgetfulF)
  open import Algebra.Elgot.Stable distributive using (IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra)

  open MIK ambient
  open MonadK MK
  open Equiv
  open MR C
  open M C
  open HomReasoning

  -- we use properties of the kleisli representation as well as the 'normal' monad representation
  open kleisliK using (extend)
  open monadK using (μ)

  open IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra using (♯-law; ♯-preserving; ♯-unique)

K is a strong monad with the strength defined as η ♯, where ♯ is the operator we get from stability. We will proof the strength laws ‘by stability’ i.e. by using the uniqueness of the stability operator.

First the definition of τ and some facts:

  module _ (P : Category.Obj (CProduct C C)) where
      X = proj₁ P
      Y = proj₂ P
    τ : X × K.₀ Y  K.₀ (X × Y)
    τ = η (X × Y) 

    τ-η : τ  (idC  η Y)  η (X × Y)
    τ-η = sym (♯-law (stable Y) (η (X × Y)))

    -- for K not only strengthening with 1 is irrelevant
    τ-π₂ : K.₁ π₂  τ  π₂
    τ-π₂ = begin 
      K.₁ π₂  τ ≈⟨ ♯-unique (stable Y) (η _  π₂) (K.₁ π₂  τ) comm₁ comm₂ 
      (η _  π₂)  ≈⟨ sym (♯-unique (stable Y) (η _  π₂) π₂ (sym π₂∘⁂) comm₃) 
      comm₁ : η _  π₂  (K.₁ π₂  τ)  (idC  η _)
      comm₁ = sym (begin 
        (K.₁ π₂  τ)  (idC  η _) ≈⟨ pullʳ τ-η  
        K.₁ π₂  η _                 ≈⟨ (sym (F₁⇒extend monadK π₂)) ⟩∘⟨refl 
        extend (η _  π₂)  η _                              ≈⟨ kleisliK.identityʳ 
        η _  π₂                                             )
      comm₂ :  {Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ Y + Z)  (K.₁ π₂  τ)  (idC  h # )  ((K.₁ π₂  τ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))#
      comm₂ {Z} h = begin
        (K.₁ π₂  τ)  (idC  h #)                                   ≈⟨ pullʳ (♯-preserving (stable Y) (η _) h)  
        K.₁ π₂  ((τ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #          ≈⟨ Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves ((freealgebras (X × Y) FreeObject.*) (η _  π₂)) 
        ((K.₁ π₂ +₁ idC)  (τ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) # ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras Y) (pullˡ (+₁∘+₁  +₁-cong₂ refl identity²)) 
        ((K.₁ π₂  τ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))#           
      comm₃ :  {Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ Y + Z)  π₂  (idC  h #)  ((π₂ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #
      comm₃ {Z} h = begin 
        π₂  (idC  h #)                            ≈⟨ π₂∘⁂  
        h #  π₂                                    ≈⟨ sym (#-Uniformity (algebras Y) uni-helper)  
        ((π₂ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) # 
        uni-helper = begin 
          (idC +₁ π₂)  (π₂ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h) ≈⟨ pullˡ +₁∘+₁  
          (idC  π₂ +₁ π₂  idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)    ≈⟨ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (π₂ +₁ π₂)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)                ≈⟨ pullˡ distributeˡ⁻¹-π₂  
          π₂  (idC  h)                                        ≈⟨ project₂  
          h  π₂                                                

  τ-comm :  {X Y Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ Y + Z)  τ (X , Y)  (idC  h #)  ((τ (X , Y) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))#
  τ-comm {X} {Y} {Z} h = ♯-preserving (stable Y) (η (X × Y)) h

  K₁η :  {X Y} (f : X  Y)  K.₁ f  η X  η Y  f
  K₁η {X} {Y} f = begin 
    K.₁ f  η X            ≈⟨ (sym (F₁⇒extend monadK f)) ⟩∘⟨refl  
    extend (η Y  f)  η X ≈⟨ kleisliK.identityʳ  
    η Y  f                

Now the strength proofs:

  KStrength : Strength monoidal monadK

  Strength.strengthen KStrength = ntHelper (record { η = τ ; commute = commute' })
    commute' :  {P₁ : Category.Obj (CProduct C C)} {P₂ : Category.Obj (CProduct C C)} (fg : _[_,_] (CProduct C C) P₁ P₂) 
       τ P₂  ((proj₁ fg)  K.₁ (proj₂ fg))  K.₁ ((proj₁ fg)  (proj₂ fg))  τ P₁
    commute' {(U , V)} {(W , X)} (f , g) = by-stability (algebras _) (η _  (f  g)) law₁ law₂ pres₁ pres₂
      law₁ : η (W × X)  (f  g)  (τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g))  (idC  η V)
      law₁ = sym (begin 
        (τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g))  (idC  η V) ≈⟨ pullʳ ⁂∘⁂  
        τ (W , X)  (f  idC  K.₁ g  η V)     ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂-cong₂ id-comm (K₁η g))  
        τ (W , X)  (idC  f  η X  g)         ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (sym ⁂∘⁂)  
        τ (W , X)  (idC  η X)  (f  g)       ≈⟨ pullˡ (τ-η (W , X))  
        η (W × X)  (f  g)                     )
      law₂ : η (W × X)  (f  g)  (K.₁ (f  g)  τ (U , V))  (idC  η V)
      law₂ = sym (begin
        (K.₁ (f  g)  τ (U , V))  (idC  η V) ≈⟨ pullʳ (τ-η (U , V))  
        K.₁ (f  g)  η (U × V)                 ≈⟨ K₁η (f  g)  
        η (W × X)  (f  g)                     )
      pres₁ :  {Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ V + Z)  (τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g))  (idC  h #)  ((τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))#
      pres₁ {Z} h = begin 
        (τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g))  (idC  h #)                                         ≈⟨ pullʳ ⁂∘⁂  
        τ (W , X)  (f  idC  K.₁ g  (h #))                                           ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂-cong₂ id-comm ((Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) (η X  g)))  sym identityʳ))  
        τ (W , X)  (idC  f  ((K.₁ g +₁ idC)  h) #  idC)                            ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (sym ⁂∘⁂)  
        τ (W , X)  (idC  ((K.₁ g +₁ idC)  h) #)  (f  idC)                          ≈⟨ pullˡ (♯-preserving (stable _) (η _) ((K.₁ g +₁ idC)  h))  
        ((τ (W , X) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (K.₁ g +₁ idC)  h)) #  (f  idC) ≈⟨ sym (#-Uniformity (algebras _) uni-helper)  
        ((τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))#                  
        uni-helper = begin 
          (idC +₁ f  idC)  (τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h) ≈⟨ pullˡ +₁∘+₁  
          (idC  τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g) +₁ (f  idC)  idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)  ≈⟨ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ id-comm) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (τ (W , X)  (f  K.₁ g) +₁ idC  (f  idC))  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)        ≈⟨ (sym +₁∘+₁) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          ((τ (W , X) +₁ idC)  ((f  K.₁ g) +₁ (f  idC)))  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)   ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullˡ (distributeˡ⁻¹-natural f (K.₁ g) idC))  
          (τ (W , X) +₁ idC)  (distributeˡ⁻¹  (f  (K.₁ g +₁ idC)))  (idC  h)         ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (pullʳ (⁂∘⁂  ⁂-cong₂ identityʳ refl))  
          (τ (W , X) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (f  (K.₁ g +₁ idC)  h)                   ≈˘⟨ pullʳ (pullʳ (⁂∘⁂  ⁂-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ))  
          ((τ (W , X) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (K.₁ g +₁ idC)  h))  (f  idC)   
      pres₂ :  {Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ V + Z)  (K.₁ (f  g)  τ (U , V))  (idC  h #)  ((K.₁ (f  g)  τ (U , V) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #
      pres₂ {Z} h = begin 
        (K.₁ (f  g)  τ (U , V))  (idC  (h #))                                 ≈⟨ pullʳ (τ-comm h)  
        K.₁ (f  g)  ((τ (U , V) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #          ≈⟨ Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) (η (W × X)  (f  g)))  
        ((K.₁ (f  g) +₁ idC)  (τ (U , V) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) # ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras (W × X)) (pullˡ (+₁∘+₁  +₁-cong₂ refl identity²))  
        ((K.₁ (f  g)  τ (U , V) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #          
  Strength.identityˡ KStrength {X} = τ-π₂ (Terminal.⊤ terminal , X)

  Strength.η-comm KStrength {A} {B} = τ-η (A , B)

  Strength.μ-η-comm KStrength {A} {B} = by-stability (algebras _) (τ (A , B)) law₁ law₂ pres₁ pres₂
    law₁ : τ (A , B)  (μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _)  τ _)  (idC  η _)
    law₁ = sym (begin 
      (μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _)  τ _)  (idC  η _) ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullʳ (τ-η _))  
      μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _)  η _                 ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (K₁η (τ (A , B)))  
      μ.η _  η _  τ _                       ≈⟨ cancelˡ monadK.identityʳ  
      τ _                                     )
    law₂ : τ (A , B)  (τ (A , B)  (idC  μ.η B))  (idC  η (K.₀ B))
    law₂ = (sym (cancelʳ (⁂∘⁂  ⁂-cong₂ identity² monadK.identityʳ  ⟨⟩-unique id-comm id-comm)))
    pres₁ :  {Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ (K.₀ B) + Z)  (μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _)  τ _)  (idC  h #)  ((μ.η _  K.₁ (τ (A , B))  τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #
    pres₁ {Z} h = begin 
      (μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _)  τ _)  (idC  h #)                                                      ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullʳ (τ-comm h))  
      μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _)  (((τ (A , K.₀ B) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #)                 ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) (η _  τ _)))  
      μ.η _  ((K.₁ (τ _) +₁ idC)  (τ (A , K.₀ B) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #          ≈⟨ Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) idC)  
      ((μ.η _ +₁ idC)  (K.₁ (τ _) +₁ idC)  (τ (A , K.₀ B) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) # ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (pullˡ +₁∘+₁)  
      ((μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _) +₁ idC  idC)  (τ (A , K.₀ B) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #    ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (pullˡ +₁∘+₁) 
      (((μ.η _  K.₁ (τ _))  τ _ +₁ (idC  idC)  idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #             ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) ((+₁-cong₂ assoc (cancelʳ identity²)) ⟩∘⟨refl) 
      ((μ.η _  K.₁ (τ (A , B))  τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #                       
    pres₂ :  {Z : Obj} (h : Z  K.₀ (K.₀ B) + Z)  (τ _  (idC  μ.η _))  (idC  h #)  ((τ _  (idC  μ.η _) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #
    pres₂ {Z} h = begin 
      (τ _  (idC  μ.η _))  (idC  h #)                                         ≈⟨ pullʳ ⁂∘⁂  
      τ _  (idC  idC  μ.η _  h #)                                             ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂-cong₂ identity² (Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) idC)))  
      τ _  (idC  ((μ.η _ +₁ idC)  h) #)                                        ≈⟨ τ-comm ((μ.η B +₁ idC)  h)  
      ((τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (μ.η B +₁ idC)  h)) #               ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂-cong₂ (sym identity²) refl  sym ⁂∘⁂)))  
      ((τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (μ.η B +₁ idC))  (idC  h)) #       ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (refl⟩∘⟨ (pullˡ (sym (distributeˡ⁻¹-natural idC (μ.η B) idC)))) 
      ((τ _ +₁ idC)  ((idC  μ.η B +₁ idC  idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  h)) # ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (pullˡ (pullˡ (+₁∘+₁  +₁-cong₂ refl (elimʳ (⟨⟩-unique id-comm id-comm)))))  
      (((τ _  (idC  μ.η B) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  h)) #              ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) assoc 
      ((τ _  (idC  μ.η _) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #                

  Strength.strength-assoc KStrength {X} {Y} {Z} = by-stability (algebras _) (η (X × Y × Z)  assocˡ) law₁ law₂ pres₁ pres₂
    law₁ : η (X × Y × Z)  assocˡ  (K.₁ assocˡ  τ (X × Y , Z))  (idC  η Z)
    law₁ = sym (pullʳ (τ-η _)  K₁η _)
    law₂ : η (X × Y × Z)  assocˡ  (τ _  (idC  τ _)  assocˡ)  (idC  η _)
    law₂ = sym (begin 
      (τ _  (idC  τ _)  assocˡ)  (idC  η _)                                       ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ ⁂∘⟨⟩) ⟩∘⟨refl  
      (τ _   idC  π₁  π₁ , τ _   π₂  π₁ , π₂  )  (idC  η _)                 ≈⟨ pullʳ ⟨⟩∘  
      τ _   (idC  π₁  π₁)  (idC  η _) , (τ _   π₂  π₁ , π₂ )  (idC  η _)  ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (identityˡ ⟩∘⟨refl  pullʳ π₁∘⁂) (pullʳ ⟨⟩∘))  
      τ _   π₁  idC  π₁ , τ _   (π₂  π₁)  (idC  η _) , π₂  (idC  η _)     ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (refl⟩∘⟨ identityˡ) (refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (pullʳ π₁∘⁂) π₂∘⁂)))  
      τ _   π₁  π₁ , τ _   π₂  idC  π₁ , η _  π₂                             ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (sym identityˡ) (refl⟩∘⟨ ((⟨⟩-cong₂ (sym identityˡ) refl)  sym ⁂∘⟨⟩)))  
      τ _   idC  π₁  π₁ , τ _  (idC  η _)   π₂  idC  π₁ , π₂               ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (pullˡ (τ-η (Y , Z))))  
      τ _   idC  π₁  π₁ , η _   π₂  idC  π₁ , π₂                             ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (sym ⁂∘⟨⟩)  
      τ _  (idC  η _)   π₁  π₁ ,  π₂  idC  π₁ , π₂                           ≈⟨ pullˡ (τ-η _)  
      η _   π₁  π₁ ,  π₂  idC  π₁ , π₂                                         ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (⟨⟩-cong₂ (refl⟩∘⟨ identityˡ) refl)  
      η (X × Y × Z)  assocˡ                                                           )
    pres₁ :  {A : Obj} (h : A  K.₀ Z + A)  (K.₁ assocˡ  τ _)  (idC  h #)  ((K.₁ assocˡ  τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #
    pres₁ {A} h = begin 
      (K.₁ assocˡ  τ _)  (idC  h #)                                  ≈⟨ pullʳ (τ-comm h)  
      K.₁ assocˡ  ((τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))#          ≈⟨ Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) _)  
      ((K.₁ assocˡ +₁ idC)  (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))# ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (pullˡ (+₁∘+₁  +₁-cong₂ refl identity²))  
      ((K.₁ assocˡ  τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #         
    pres₂ :  {A : Obj} (h : A  K.₀ Z + A)  (τ _  (idC  τ _)  assocˡ)  (idC  h #)  ((τ _  (idC  τ _)  assocˡ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #
    pres₂ {A} h = begin 
      (τ _  (idC  τ _)  assocˡ)  (idC  h #)                                                         ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ ⁂∘⟨⟩) ⟩∘⟨refl  
      (τ _   idC  π₁  π₁ , τ _   π₂  π₁ , π₂  )  (idC  h #)                                   ≈⟨ pullʳ ⟨⟩∘  
      τ _   (idC  π₁  π₁)  (idC  h #) , (τ _   π₂  π₁ , π₂ )  (idC  h #)                    ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (identityˡ ⟩∘⟨refl  pullʳ π₁∘⁂) (pullʳ ⟨⟩∘))  
      τ _   π₁  idC  π₁ , τ _   (π₂  π₁)  (idC  h #) , π₂  (idC  h #)                       ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ (refl⟩∘⟨ identityˡ) (refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (pullʳ π₁∘⁂) π₂∘⁂))  
      τ _   π₁  π₁ , τ _   π₂  idC  π₁ , h #  π₂                                               ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ ((refl⟩∘⟨ identityˡ)  sym identityˡ) refl)))  
      τ _   π₁  π₁ , τ _   idC  π₂  π₁ , h #  π₂                                               ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (refl⟩∘⟨ (sym ⁂∘⟨⟩))  
      τ _   π₁  π₁ , τ _  (idC  h #)   π₂  π₁ , π₂                                             ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (sym identityˡ) (pullˡ (τ-comm h)))  
      τ _   idC  π₁  π₁ , (((τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #)   π₂  π₁ , π₂    ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (sym ⁂∘⟨⟩)  
      τ _  (idC  ((τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #)  assocˡ                          ≈⟨ pullˡ (τ-comm _)  
      ((τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h))) #  assocˡ ≈⟨ sym (#-Uniformity (algebras _) uni-helper) 
      ((τ _  (idC  τ _)  assocˡ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)) #                                
        uni-helper : (idC +₁ assocˡ)  (τ _  (idC  τ (Y , Z))  assocˡ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)  ((τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)))  assocˡ
        uni-helper = begin 
          (idC +₁ assocˡ)  (τ _  (idC  τ (Y , Z))  assocˡ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)                           ≈⟨ pullˡ +₁∘+₁  
          (idC  τ _  (idC  τ (Y , Z))  assocˡ +₁ assocˡ  idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)                              ≈⟨ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ id-comm) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (τ _  (idC  τ (Y , Z))  assocˡ +₁ idC  assocˡ)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)                                    ≈˘⟨ (+₁∘+₁  +₁-cong₂ assoc refl) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          ((τ _  (idC  τ (Y , Z)) +₁ idC)  (assocˡ +₁ assocˡ))  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)                               ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullˡ (sym distributeˡ⁻¹-assoc))  
          (τ _  (idC  τ (Y , Z)) +₁ idC)  (distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹)  assocˡ)  (idC  h)                   ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ assoc²'  
          (τ _  (idC  τ _) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹)  assocˡ  (idC  h)                           ≈˘⟨ (+₁-cong₂ refl (elimʳ (⟨⟩-unique id-comm id-comm))) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (τ _  (idC  τ _) +₁ idC  (idC  idC))  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹)  assocˡ  (idC  h)             ≈˘⟨ assoc  assoc 
          (((τ _  (idC  τ _) +₁ idC  (idC  idC))  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹))  _≅_.to ×-assoc  (idC  h) ≈˘⟨ pullˡ (pullˡ (pullˡ +₁∘+₁)) 
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  ((((idC  τ _) +₁ (idC  idC))  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹))  assocˡ  (idC  h)      ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ((distributeˡ⁻¹-natural idC (τ (Y , Z)) idC) ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  ((distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)))  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹))  assocˡ  (idC  h)        ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (assoc  assoc  refl⟩∘⟨ sym-assoc) 
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  ((idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC))  (idC  distributeˡ⁻¹))  assocˡ  (idC  h)          ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂∘⁂  ⁂-cong₂ identity² refl) ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  assocˡ  (idC  h)                    ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⁂-cong₂ (sym (⟨⟩-unique id-comm id-comm)) refl  
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  assocˡ  ((idC  idC)  h)            ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ assocˡ∘⁂  
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  (idC  h))  assocˡ            ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ assoc 
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  ((idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  (idC  h)))  assocˡ          ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⁂∘⁂ ⟩∘⟨refl  
          (τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  idC  ((τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹)  (idC  h))  assocˡ            ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ ((⁂-cong₂ identity² assoc) ⟩∘⟨refl)  sym-assoc)  sym-assoc 
          ((τ _ +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  (τ (Y , Z) +₁ idC)  distributeˡ⁻¹  (idC  h)))  assocˡ                  

  KStrong : StrongMonad {C = C} monoidal
  KStrong = record 
    { M = monadK
    ; strength = KStrength

  module strongK = StrongMonad KStrong

Two small lemmas about strength:

  τ-comm-id :  {X Y Z} (f : X  Y)  τ (Y , Z)  (f  idC)  K.₁ (f  idC)  τ (X , Z)
  τ-comm-id {X} {Y} {Z} f = begin 
    τ (Y , Z)  (f  idC)     ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂-cong₂ refl (sym K.identity))  
    τ (Y , Z)  (f  K.₁ idC) ≈⟨ strengthen.commute (f , idC)  
    K.₁ (f  idC)  τ (X , Z) 
    where open strongK using (strengthen)

  τ-kleisli-assoc :  {X Y Z U} (f : X  K.₀ Y) (g : Z  K.₀ U)  extend (τ _  (idC  g))  τ _  (extend f  idC)  τ _  (extend f  extend g)
  τ-kleisli-assoc {X} {Y} {Z} {U} f g = begin 
    extend (τ _  (idC  g))  τ _  (extend f  idC)        ≈˘⟨ pullˡ (extend∘F₁ monadK (τ _) (idC  g))  
    extend (τ _)  K.₁ (idC  g)  τ _  (extend f  idC)    ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (pullˡ (sym (strengthen.commute (idC , g)))  assoc)  
    extend (τ _)  τ _  (idC  K.₁ g)  (extend f  idC)    ≈⟨ pullˡ (assoc  strongK.μ-η-comm)  
    (τ _  (idC  μ.η _))  (idC  K.₁ g)  (extend f  idC) ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullˡ (⁂∘⁂  ⁂-cong₂ identity² refl)) 
    τ _  (idC  extend g)  (extend f  idC)                ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (⁂∘⁂  ⁂-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ)  
    τ _  (extend f  extend g)                              
    where open strongK using (strengthen)